Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

IT Revolution, Marketing History and Online Marketing

The IT Revolution is at hand. It's been here since the 50's and will stay here as long as humans are living. Before, IT is only associated with computers. Now, IT extends its services to other branches like Medicine, Robotics, Banking, and a lot more. Marketing, a small branch of commerce, was able to extend more of its tentacles by utilizing IT's services through online or internet promotion.

It is difficult to explain marketing if one doesn't know what it is all about. From the word “market” alone, one is capable of grasping its meaning. Since, the actual selling and small time promotion are done in the market, thus, it is but right to say that marketing is the business of advertising, promoting and the selling of goods and services. Online marketing follows this exact concept but only done through online advertisements and/or promotions and can be accessed by anybody through the internet.

The early man simply hunt or look for food for his family, as simple as that. But after discovering agriculture and improving its techniques, man was able to produce more food products which, unfortunately, cannot be consumed by his family or his entire community in due time. So before those products will expire, man decided to trade it for something else like precious stones, other food products or services. After some time, the use of money as medium for payments, made almost anybody rich by merely selling goods in the market. The presence of competitors makes man innovative in disposing and selling his products, and one such useful technique is marketing (through advertisements and promotions).

Apart from merely stacking goods in the market for consumers to purchase, there are other simple ways to market one's goods. Public speaking, as means of public advertising, easily catches the attention of many consumers. The way marketers of food supplement products perform public speaking (or advertising done through verbal communication) that promise easy money and wealth overnight, entice the people into purchasing products and becoming marketers as well. Marketing strategies greatly improved, together with the birth of television and the utilization of print. Promotion of goods are mostly done through print advertisements because almost everybody can read and purchase newspapers, magazines and other printed circulation. The use of television advertisement, employing advanced graphical techniques, helps a lot in affecting the consumer's psychology into purchasing goods or services.

With marketing as a key player in affecting one's senses into purchasing a product, many business enthusiasts thought of utilizing the advancing and unstoppable progress of online accessibility. Today, it is common to see advertisements and promotions upon one single entry in one website. The advertisements that all of us can see in the internet are the products of online marketing.

There are several ways on how to market goods using the online marketing. These are: (1) Search Engine Optimization – a technique where a website is ranked high in a list of search results; (2) Banner Advertising – a technique where a banner appears on the top part of a page; (3) Newsgroup or Forums – advertisements done through sending messages in an online community; and (4), Email Advertising – a technique of sending advertisements into costumers and possible costumers through their email account.

What is fortunate in online marketing, is that a simple product could reach out to millions of people throughout the world without spending much in actual and manual promotions in different countries.

Know More About Internet Marketing Strategies

Internet marketing strategy merely employs the traditional marketing strategies, but uses the internet as a medium. Through the use of internet as path in reaching out to others, an advertisement can reach many places with different time zones before a month expires.

The popular internet marketing strategies are: Search Engine Optimization, Banner Advertising, Newsgroup, Forums, Email Advertising and Online Press Release.

Search Engine Optimization is a complex marketing technique where in a site is ranked together with other sites. If the ranking is high, it appears on top of the of the results of the search engine. The popularity of a site is known through search engine results.

Banner Advertising is a marketing technique where-in an advertisement assumes the form of a banner that appears on the top part of a page. Eye-catching headers in bold letters, celebrity gossips and unique graphics are mostly used in this kind of marketing strategy.

Newsgroup is another marketing strategy where a person can post a message according to the agreed on-topic of an online community. Newsgroup is created because many people with different nationalities bond together in one online community so as to exchange information regarding their common interest. Forum (commonly termed as bulletin boards, discussion forums or groups, message boards or as web forums), is the same in concept as a Newsgroup. People of different nationailites are bonded because of one common interest also. By merely sending an advertisement through this community, a product can reach out to millions of members. It is unfortunate that some will just shrug off this advertisement because it is outside the topic of interest.

Before, advertisements are sometimes sealed in an envelope and sent to mailboxes. This is extremely expensive because of the use of paper, print and payments for mail service. Today, apart from a mailbox, everybody has an email (or electronic mail) account. Advertisements are sent through this account, thus, saving more and spending less. Also, there is a 99% assurance that the promotions and other advertisements are received and most likely read by the recipient.

Press releases are verbal and written answers of certain personalities in response to questions placed to them by other individuals, usually by the press. Online press release is also incorporating this kind of technique but can be viewed only through internet access.

In the future, new and improved internet marketing strategies will spawn. It will be more aggressive, innovative and colorful that will cater to all individuals. There will probably come a time that people will purchase goods only through the internet due to their knowledge of online advertisements of products.

The Miracles of Business Online

What is a business enterprise? Of course, it is a legally created institution with the primary intention of providing goods or services to consumers for a fee. This enterprise is mostly owned by private individuals (at times, owned by the government) whose aim is to earn more profit to increase one's possessions or improve one's lifestyle. The usual expectation in opening a business is the financial return of the work done and the acceptance of risk. Not all business ventures end beautifully because of factors like marketing strategy, capability of the people to afford the goods or services offered by the company, business location, and others.

Business history goes back to the time that man discovered the use of money (in the form of gold, silver, bronze and jewels) as means of exchange of goods. Since it is the ability of man to want earthly possessions, he started thinking of enhancing his finances through business. It is not merely the gain that business enthusiasts must consider because profit will not be received if goods, services or products are not rendered to consumers.

The world wide web can make miracles to so many individuals in different fields of expertise. The services that the web can do are boundless, it is even surprising that even those in the medicine profession are availing it. Business leaders, whose business eyes are canny, definitely thought of improving their business through online accessibility. Whoever thought that a person from a far away land in Asia can possess a mansion in America through online bidding in an auction?

Certain companies advance the sales of their goods by allowing online transactions to be made. For instance, a dog company was able to double its profit by allowing sales to be made through their website. Microsoft was able to extend its services to people by allowing online downloads of their games, softwares and other applications for a fee (through e-banking). Remittances from abroad are now possible because of online transfer of funds from one account to another. Before, music can only be bought from music shops. Now, it is easy to download thousands of songs in just one click, thanks to online accessibility.

Truly, it is inevitable that by putting one's business online, a lot of opportunities are opened for business advancement and improvement. Not only will your business be available in one territory only, but it will be available throughout the world. Think of the possibilities and the miracles of business online!